Unit 4 Hobbies 教案

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Unit 4 Hobbies 教案

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Unit 4 Hobbies教学设计一、[课题(学科和年级)] 英语五上 Unit 4 Hobbies二、教材简解本单元是以“兴趣爱好”为主题的语篇教学课,是本单元的第一课时。这一话题是自我介绍及介绍他人的一个重要部分,也和学生的生活密切相关,是一个学生感兴趣的话题,他们有话可说。涉及的句型主要有I like doing….及He/She likes doing….涉及的词汇主要有play the piano,watch films,read stories。因此,教师应创设宽松的交流氛围,通过看、听、读等多种手段引导学生快速理解文本,梳理关键信息,用自己的语言来复述文本。再通过描述自己及他人的兴趣爱好将所学的语言得到有效延伸。三、[目标预设]1、知识目标(1)能掌握理解story time 并能朗读。(2)初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词sing,dance, 词组be good at, read stories和句型I like doing… He/She likes doing …(3)初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。2、能力目标(1)能运用所学句型进行谈论爱好。(2)培养学生用英语交际的能力。3、情感目标(1)初步了解几种爱好,通过讨论爱好激发学生学习英语的乐趣。(2)引导学生参与活动,相互合作交流,培养学生的合作意识。四、[重点、难点] 教学重点(1)整体感知文本内容,能正确理解朗读story time。(2)能运用所学句型进行谈论爱好,初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。教学难点(1)整体感知文本内容,能正确理解朗读story time。(2)能运用对话中的句型交流,培养学生语言运用能力。五、[设计理念] “理想的英语课堂教学”应该是培养学生的言语能力为目的,以获取言语经验为主要途径,以学生主体的言语交际活动为主要构成成分,以学生主体的积极性和主动性的充分激发为前提,以学生对言语的亲身体验为基本要求,以真实的人际交往为表现特征,以学生认知、思维、动机、兴趣、情感、意志的全面和谐发展为最终效果。作为教学活动的设计者和组织者我们应该树立学生主体的教育思想和理念、确立“言语本位”的课程观和“基于实践”的教学观、构建“真实的”课堂教学环境。[设计思路] “有效”是课堂教学的永恒旋律,也是当下我们小学英语阅读教学研究的重点。要提高阅读教学的有效性,教师要具有准确、深入解读文本的能力;学生要具有阅读的兴趣、策略、习惯和情感的体验。本课教学以“Hobbies”为主题,以教材提供的语言内容为基础文本,以根据教材提供的主题和核心内容,按照阅读文本的内容设定、文本处理设计、文本情感体验这三条线索的齐行并进,有序合理地安排了各个教学环节。一、阅读前活动设计要显“巧”,关注活动的有效性、简洁性阅读前(Pre-reading)的活动是实现阅读教学必不可少的内容,它可以解决学生在语言理解上的障碍,为下一步的阅读铺平道路。教师设计阅读前活动的目的在于:一是让学生对文章中的话题产生兴趣;二是通过阅读前活动的进行,自然地过渡到目标文章的阅读当中。因阅读前活动应追求简约的完美,它是学生开展阅读前的铺垫,是引领学生进入阅读的桥梁,因此阅读前活动的形式不宜复杂,费时不宜太多,要在“巧”字上下工夫,这个巧不仅指巧妙,而更应指精巧。二、阅读中活动设计要有“效”,关注活动的层次性、功能性 阅读中(While-reading)让学生理解语篇内容,从语篇中获取较详细的信息,基本了解生疏的词句,掌握阅读的技巧和方法,为形成独立的阅读能力打下基础。以文本内容的层层递进带动教学内容的螺旋上升,各环节层次清楚、衔接流畅;阅读活动形式多样、环环相扣;学生的学习循序渐进、学悟并重。三、阅读后活动设计要能“用”,关注活动的综合性、拓展性 阅读后(Post-reading)为学生提供了充足的语言运用时间和有效的语言输出形式,关注学生的语用,让学生综合运用所学知识进行语言实践、交流、共享和提高。因此,阅读后活动的设计不能只停留在理解阅读内容的简单层面,它更应该强调学生通过运用掌握知识和技能,通过拓展提高语用能力,通过提升感受文本内涵。七、[教学过程]Step 1 Greeting and warm up1.Enjoy a song: Do you have any hobbies 2. Look and say.学生看图片,做动作,大声说出单词。Before the lesson, let’s play a game. Look at the pictures, do the actions, then say the words loudly.Step 2 Pre-reading1. They’re all about the activities. How about these activities: dance, read, play the piano Can you read them Teach: dance, read, play the piano.2. We know so many activities. What can you do Ss:I can…T: Do you like… (交流丰富)3. T: What do I like doing Guess.揭示答案:I like drawing. I like reading. I like watching films too.(出示图片)Teach: watch filmsT: They’re my hobbies. Teach: Hobby/ Hobbies.T: What’s your hobby   S1: I like … (提示:You can use :drawing/ skating/ climbing/ boating/ swimming/ running/ reading/dancing/ playing---)S1 → S2 →S3 → (操练几组)   [设计意图]在谈论教师自己的爱好的基础上,将话题转至谈论学生爱好。由交际的需要自然引出本课重点句型I like… She/He likes …  Tip: 陈述句中,主语是第三人称单数时,动词后要加s或es哦!  Now, can you tell me your hobbies What do you like doing Ss: I like…5. 揭题:Yes, we talked about our hobbies. You have a lot of hobbies. In fact, life will be more beautiful with hobbies. Today, we’ll learn ‘Unit4 Hobbies’.3)、Say a chantT:Let’s Say a chant.Swim, swimming, I like swimming.Swimming, swimming, swimming.Dance, dancing, she likes dancing.Dancing, dancing ,dancing.Draw, drawing, he likes drawing.Drawing, drawing, drawing.[设计意图]通过学生喜欢的chant 的形式来巩固刚刚所学句型,让学生初步认知动词后怎么加ing,①直接加ing ②去e加ing ③双写尾字母加ingStep 3 While-reading.T: Yes, Mike is talking about his and his friends’ hobbies.What are their hobbies( 图文结合) Let’s watch a cartoon and answer the question and try to tick.Check the answer .学生回答,师生交流。[设计意图] 让学生看动画回答问题,设计的问题比较简单,让学生对课文由总体印象,训练学生的理解能力。T: In these hobbies ,What are Mike’s hobbies Please Listen and choose学生选出图片T:Mike likes playing football and basketball.T: Look at the pictures.Can Mike play basketball well C:Yes ,he can .T:So we can say :Mike is good at basketball.T:Can he play football well C:No.T:Is he good at football.C:No.(教学be good at .)Read again and fillTry to say.Mike likes , and .He is good at ,but he isn’t good at .T: well done!We have known Mike’s hobbies How about their hobbies.(出示人物图片与活动图)Please read the paragraph 2\3\4.Try to match the student and their hobbies.Then fill the blanksT: What are Liu Tao hobbies S1:Liu Tao likes andT: What ate Yang Ling’s hobbies S2:Yang Ling likes andT:Look, she has many storybooks.(呈现故事书)。There are many story in them.This is a story about the little pigs and this is a story about Goldilocks and three bears.Do you like stories.(呈现storybook story stories进行教学。)S:Su Hai likes andS:Su Yang Likes andT:OK,we have know Mike and his friends’ hobbies.Do you have any questions Q1:教师呈现第二副图和句子He also likes playing table tennis:T:It means A:He likes playing football too.B:He doesn't like playing football.C: choose ALook at these sentences:Liu Tao likes playing football and playing table tennisYang Ling likes reading stories and playing the pianoSu Hai likes dancing and swimmingSu Yang Likes watching films and swimmingCan you use these sentences to say:XX likes ,He/She also likesQ2. Su Yang and Su hai both like swimming .(教学单词both)Who and who also have the same(相同的) hobbies?Four in groups ,read and talk.Teach: bothPractice: …and… both like....Let’s read after the computer.Look at the blackboard and try to sayYou can use these sentences:XX likes .... He /She also likes....XX and XX both like ...Step4 Post-reading3. We talked about our hobbies. We also know the hobbies about Mike and his friends. Every man has his hobbies.(Teach) Now, let’s talk about our family’s hobbies. OK (示范,学生同桌准备)Oh, most of you can talk about ‘hobbies’.Step 5 Proverb time1.Today, we talked a lot about the hobbies. Good hobby makes good life. What hobbies do you think are good hobbies What hobbies do you think are bad hobbies 2. If you have good hobbies, please continue. If you have bad hobbies, please change. Stick to your hobbies and enjoy your life.Step6 Homework1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape.(听录音,跟读课文。)2. Talk about your friends’ hobbies to your family.(向你的家人介绍你朋友的爱好。)板书设计:Unit4 Hobbiesplaying basketball and football drawingplaying football playing table tennisreading stories playing the pianoreading storieswatch films swimming






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